It feels like each wedding I have this year is vying to be the most fun. Jillian and Ryan's was no exception. Their love story goes back to their early teen years. It is the epitome of "the best relationships begin as friendships". Jillian & Ryan are so comfortable with each other and with their relationship is a sense of this perfect ease. The are just naturally, wholeheartedly meant for each other. The day started where their story began...
These earrings belong to Jillian's Late Grandmother. It was such a touching way to keep her Grandmother with her on her Wedding Day.
The colors and details of their wedding were absolutely beautiful. It was a true sophisticated autumn wedding.
This lovely couple has been married 50+ years. Now it was their time once again to add many more years of luck to his already wonderful marriage. How sweet are they?!
And that my friends... That was one awesome wedding! Congrats Jillian & Ryan!! xo